Using a dynamic combination of theatrical exercises, games, and improvisation, we help teams reflect on solutions to workplace misunderstandings surrounding diversity, equity, and inclusion. In this interactive theater workshop, participants become an ensemble with the power to change their workplace dynamic for the better, for good. Fun and visceral learning at its best!
In a fun, casual, interactive, and highly informative lecture-style setting, discover fascinating and little-known facts about LGBTQ history focusing on the world’s greatest city, New York City. Expect to see pictures, hear some music, and hear personal anecdotes from your amazing guides, wonderful performers, and all proud members of the LGBTQ community!
In honor of all women everywhere, we welcome you to an engaging and insightful discussion where we’ll explore influential women from around the world who are missing from our history books.
In time for Asian American Heritage Month, we welcome you to a brief consideration of how Asian Americans persevered despite some darker chapters of American history to become exemplary citizens of contemporary America, the fastest growing segment of our immigrant population, and some of the most accomplished and revolutionary citizens of the world.